Monday 20 August 2018

A Perceived Hiatus

It's been a while.

Over a year. I've been writing, more than I ever did when I posted my short work on here. But I've also been incredibly busy with what Phillip K. Dick defined as "what I could stop believing in, but wouldn't go away". That is to say, good old real life.

But good news is on the horizon! I haven't forgotten this archaic blog, nor its equally archaic and antiquated contents. Believe me, however bad you think this drivel is, I think it's more than a million times worse. Especially Of Procul. It fills me with shame.

But I've regretted deletion too much to give into contempt for my younger self, so it's all staying up. Maybe I'll even post some more written material, and feel ashamed of that one day too.

Expect very little, but hopefully what eventually crawls out the cocoon isn't more deformed, ugly moths, but a beautiful butterfly. Hopefully.

Until then, friends.